Archive | July, 2012

What do Libertarians look like, you ask?

25 Jul

The Hill's 50 Most Beautiful People –

Lunch Today – The Surveillance Iceberg: The FISA Amendments Act and Mass Spying without Accountability | Cato Institute: Policy Forum

25 Jul

The Surveillance Iceberg: The FISA Amendments Act and Mass Spying without Accountability | Cato Institute: Policy Forum

What America would look like if people voted their real values

25 Jul

Libertarian Bruce Majors challenges Delegate Elean…

25 Jul

Vote Third Party – V3P.US: Libertarian Bruce Majors challenges Delegate Elean…: 11-term incumbent Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), Washington D.C.’s non-voting representative in the U.S. House of Representatives has a sol…

Fascinating electoral map

24 Jul

Alexander Cockburn, RIP

23 Jul

Alexander Cockburn, RIP

The Surveillance Iceberg: The FISA Amendments Act and Mass Spying without Accountability | Cato Institute: Policy Forum

22 Jul

The Surveillance Iceberg: The FISA Amendments Act and Mass Spying without Accountability | Cato Institute: Policy Forum

The Surveillance Iceberg: The FISA Amendments Act and Mass Spying without Accountability

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Noon (Luncheon to Follow)

Featuring Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR); Eric Lichtblau, Washington Bureau Reporter, New York Times; and Michelle Richardson, Legislative Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union; moderated by Julian Sanchez, Research Fellow, Cato Institute.

The Cato Institute
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Washington, DC 20001

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History teaches that government spying is naturally subject to abuse without strong oversight, yet only the tiniest fraction of electronic surveillance of Americans—the tip of a vast and rapidly growing iceberg—is meaningfully visible to Congress, let alone the general public. Under the controversial FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Amendments Act of 2008, set to expire at the end of the year, the National Security Agency is empowered to vacuum up the international communications of Americans under sweeping authorizations that dispense with the need for individual warrants. Despite reports of large-scale overcollection of Americans’ e-mails and phone calls, including purely domestic traffic, the NSA has brazenly refused to give Congress any estimate of how many citizens’ private conversations are being captured in its vast databases, and legislators have shown little willingness to demand greater transparency as they prepare to reauthorize the law. Increasingly, even ordinary criminal investigations employ off-the-books electronic surveillance techniques that circumvent federal reporting requirements. The public is informed about the few thousand wiretaps authorized every year but remains largely in the dark about newer and far more prevalent techniques, such as the routine use of cell phones as sophisticated tracking devices.

The Terrifying Background of the Man Who Ran a CIA Assassination Unit – The Atlantic

21 Jul

The Terrifying Background of the Man Who Ran a CIA Assassination Unit – The Atlantic

Farewell, Alex, My Friend » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

21 Jul

Farewell, Alex, My Friend » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Former Occupy San Diego Member Attacks Batman Movie

21 Jul

Former Occupy San Diego Member Attacks Batman Movie