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Netroots Nation less than a month away

29 May
Are you headed to Netroots Nation (June 20-23 in San Jose) this year? We are, and we hope we’ll see you there.
We love Netroots because – just like RootsCamp – it’s an opportunity for progressives to come together, share lessons learned, and make new connections. And because we partner with Netroots throughout the year, we’re able to offer you a special discount.
This year, we’re proud to have staff presenting on a whole bundle of panels and trainings. Here’s a list of all the panels and trainings featuring NOI Staff:
And of course there are too many NOI Alumni leading panels and trainings for us to list them all here. You can see the full schedule at Among the famous folks you’ll see roaming the halls at Netroots Nation: Leader Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Jeff Merkley, Sen. Tom Udall, Barney Frank, Howard Dean, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Mark Takano, Rep. Bruce Braley, Rep. Robin Kelly, Rep. Karen Bass, Rep. Mike Honda, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, CA Speaker John Perez, Ben Jealous, Joan Walsh and many more.
Netroots is going to be a fantastic event, and we hope you’ll join us there.
Hope we’ll see you there,