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CPAC Overview

17 Mar
Warning (Santorum voters!):  Adult content

As a libertarian, I always have a complicated relationship to CPAC, which I first attended in 2007 or 2008.  Mitt Romney dropped out that election cycle the day CPAC started, and the woman running Mitt Romney’s DC campaign had paid for a booth at CPAC.  She was really pissed at Mitt for dropping out, and Ron Paul was her second choice.  She offered the booth to the local Ron Paul Revolution collective, and we seized it in the name of the liberated people.

I’ve gone every year since, mainly to vote for Ron (and now Rand) Paul in straw polls and see all my libertarian FaceBook friends who I often haven’t met in person.  It’s been educational – I’ve learned that people under 40 don’t know what a mimeograph is. (As I was running that Ron Paul booth with what I had on hand, a very cute 22 year old asked me if he could have the copy of reason magazine with Ron Paul on the cover I was using as my only “banner” in my inherited booth on the wall behind me, and I told him I had been a subscriber since I was younger than he, and only a few years before that it had been a mimeographed kitchen table publication.  He looked puzzled and cocked his handsome little head.  Not to be pervy.)

So I went this year even though it was inconveniently in Prince George’s County, Maryland, at National Harbor, which apparently markets itself as being in DC.  CPAC apparently claimed they were relocating because they needed more space, but attendance as measured by straw poll voting was understandably down from the presidential race years of 2011 and 2012 (2900 people voted this year vs over 3000 those years).  The real reason for the relocation was to make it impossible for people like the Occupy protesters who showed up last year to show up this year, since the Achilleus of the center-right, Andrew Breitbart, is no longer with us to dispatch the Hadean underfae as he did in 2012 a few weeks before his passing.

That ploy, in the main, worked.  The John and Anthony Podesta sex workers from the misnamed “ThinkProgress” found CPAC as did Betsy Rothstein, the usually talented editor of FishBowl.  But not many other so-called “liberals” or leftovers.  And Ms. Rothstein, a wealthy white girl who lives in gentrifying Adams Morgan in DC and moved there after the city became 50% white, having never been in a majority black jurisdiction like Prince George’s County, amazingly reported that CPAC was in Baltimore!

The concubines at StinkRegress, taking time off from tossing the Podesta lobbyist brothers’ salads, found one kooky attendee (and you could get into lots of panels without even registering) who asked a silly question about race relations, and wrote a story implying that he was a panelist and that this minor panel was a central part of the conference.  Whores gonna ho.  What’s funny about that is that even approved MSNBC black tokens like Melinda Perry-Harris are on record as saying that a black conservative or libertarian or even moderate has a faster career advancement than a black leftover.  (Though as the grifter clan named Jackson shows us, the black leftovers who claw their way to office over the other lobsters in the pot get bigger rewards until indicted.)  And CPAC had a large number of impressive black pols, from Allan West to Mia Love to former Democrat Artur Davis speaking, and a number of twenty something young blacks who clearly intend to join them.

The Podesta dingelberries also wrote a hit piece claiming they had interviewed 10 people who all opposed gay rights.  We knew leftovers can’t do arithmetic (see Obama, Reid, Pelosi re: budgets) so it is not surprising they don’t know statistics (10 cherry picked people – you know they only asked people over 60 – out of thousands of attendees is not statistically significant, and this is why you flunked math and had to be Podesta streetwalkers).  But of course the best attended panel at CPAC this year, aside from major famous speakers like Rand Paul or Ted Cruz, was the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s “Rainbow on the Right” featuring pro-gay marriage speakers from National Review, CEI, GOProud, and the non-partisan Freedom to Marry.  And Rand Paul won the straw poll, while anti-gay Rick Santorum got 8% – if CPACers really cared about stopping gay marriage, wouldn’t more than 8% have voted for standard bearer Rick Santorum?  (Also CEI was not alone –, which hosted a panel for a different group excluded by the main CPAC organizers, was going to host a gay rights panel, but CEI beat them to it.)

Last year the neo-Stalinist wannabee Reifenstahls at Talking Points Memo wrote a hit piece on gays at CPAC where they posted a kind of Twitchy version of Craigslist ads from gays looking to hook up at CPAC2012.  Looking through the ads they were all rather tame, non-freaky, non-fetish ads from 22 year old gay guys wanting to finally spend the night with someone of like mind.  Shocking!  Men in their twenties having a hormonal surge when away in a big city in a hotel with people who share many of their passions.  Unbelievable.  So this year I posted a political spoof sex ad on Craigslist (I’ve done that before for other situations), hoping to cause gnashing of leftover teeth (it’s worked before – leftovers will flag your ad if you make fun of them):

Radical libertarian would like to tie up and abuse proglodyte and leftover journalists.

Boys who look like Sally Kohn or Chris Hayes who need to be tied up, slapped around and fucked.

Also any Rick Santorum supporters in the closet or younger versions of Lindsey Graham or John McCain.

Or if you are just a decent constitutionalist type, we can have regular non-hate sex, or even a drink.

Your place

  • Location: National Harbor
  • it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Unfortunately no leftovers bit, though several people wanted to meet me and a couple of anonymous young things sent me racy pictures (by the way Podesta quislings – there were definitely African American gays at CPAC2013, and I have the photos they sent me to prove it).

Cross posted at BigHomo.