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What a difference a day makes at MSNBC – Bergdahl

4 Jun
PRUDEN: Bowe Bergdahl, bad bargain – Washington Times

Last night the Madcow said the Bowe Bergdahl scandal was fake; today Mika on Morning Joe says “I don’t want to call Susan Rice a liar but….”  The Madcow went on at length claiming any question of our Maximum Leader’s terrorist swap were the result of a cabal concocted by a known avowed homosexual, Richard Grenell, a former Boosh appointee to the UN.  She didn’t actually name Mr. Grenell, or ask whether he might be a secret Jooo.

Some libertarians, like historian Thaddeus Russell, are saying as libertarians we should support deserters.  That may be so in almost all wars.  But joining the other side and helping them target your former co-workers is more than desertion.  And being pro-jihad is not being anti-war.  So it is more complicated.