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Thomas Peters, National Organization for Marriage activist, tragedy and recovery

30 Jun
I’d blogged/vlogged about a debate between conservatives and libertarians on gay marriage held a few years back by America’s Future Foundation.

Always enjoying a bit of humor, I’d pointed out that the heterosexual conservatives in the debate were prettier than the gay libertarians they were debating.  Particularly Thomas Peters, the owner of the American Papist blog.  (I’m not alone in publishing writing mentioning that Mr. Peters is good looking.)

I was saddened to learn recently that Peters is now largely paralyzed, having had a tragic swimming accident.

I am also told that he continues to lobby on Capitol Hill and reportedly now has more access than ever.  Previously liberal Congressional offices would refuse him entry or make no time to speak to him.  Now they are afraid of someone tweeting a photo of them refusing entry to a disabled person, so everyone takes the meeting.