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Cokie Roberts, the expert on white racism

27 Sep

Cokie Roberts does her work in the Washington, DC media market but she lives in suburban Maryland, as do many elite media and political appointee types, like Chris Matthews or Anita Dunn.

Cokie owns a house (with husband Steve Roberts) that Zillow thinks is worth almost $2 million.

According to the ever useful City-Data website, Cokie lives in a neighborhood (zip code 20814) that is overwhelmingly white, where the 1200 black people are outnumbered 2-1 by Asians, 2-1 by Hispanics, and 19-1 by white people.  Just across the border in DC, where she works at ABC, African Americans are 49% of the population.  But she bought her house back in 1978, when African Americans were more like 75% of the DC population.  So I am sure that was much scarier for her.  Just another example of “liberal” idiocy, hypocrisy, and racism, as Cokie supports politicians who get much of their funding from kidnapping poor black and brown children and selling them to educrat cartels, in the largest and most racist slave trade on the planet.

Cokie’s hood

Apparently Cokie’s desperate attempt to curry favor with her handlers at ABC by spitting at the tea party is going to be discussed on the O’Reilly Factor tonight.  Her remarks were basically that “some” people in the tea party are opposed to Obama because he is black.  I guess Democrats are anti-woman since “some” of the people they elect drown, rape, molest, harass, sext, or pay for, women?  And Democrats are supportive of pedophiles since “some” of their party’s precinct captains, like John Wayne Gacy, were pedophile serial killers when not meeting and being photographed with First Lady Rosalyn Carter?

One wonders if Cokie still beats her kids?

5315 Bradley Blvd, Bethesda, MD 20814

Not for Sale


Rent Zestimate:$5,641/mo

Est. Refi Payment:

This is a 3185 square foot, 3.5 bathroom, single family home. It is located at 5315 Bradley Blvd Bethesda, Maryland.
Value Range 30-day change $/sqft Last updated
Zestimate What’s this? $1,726,287 $1.42M – $1.97M -$7,940 $542 09/24/2013
Rent Zestimate What’s this? $5,641/mo $2.1K – $8.0K/mo -$93 $1.77 09/23/2013
Owner tools
Post your own estimate
Market guide
Zillow predicts 20814 home values will rise 1.2% next year, compared to a 2.2% increase for Bethesda as a whole. Among 20814 homes, this home is valued 174.1% more than the midpoint (median) home, and is valued 42.3% more per square foot.

Foreclosures will be a factor impacting home values in the next several years. In the 20814 market, the number of foreclosures waiting to be sold grew 4.5% in the last year. The number of unsold foreclosures is 10.8% lower than in Bethesda, and 77.3% less than the national average. This lower local number could help 20814 home values rise more quickly than other regions in Bethesda.