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The Plan – DC fat ‘crats continue with The Plan

22 Oct
DC baby boom; white infants and toddlers biggest increase – DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG

When I first moved to DC in the early 80s, one heard people talk about “The Plan.”  This was the African-American (then the black) working class community’s name for a supposed conspiracy to wrest political control from DC’s then black majority.

Since then the federal government has rapidly expanded, and imported mainly white bureaucrats, lawyers and lobbyists, who are more often than not paid six figure salaries.  They’ve bid up the real estate prices and rents, and driven out working class and unemployed people, aka blacks, from DC.

And now comes word that the upper middle class white fat ‘crats are also breeding their upper middle class government dependent babies faster than those they are displacing.  Of course, their ruling class government subsidized health insurance covers fertility treatments.  Yours may not.