Archive | November, 2016

Wednesday recommended reading for libertarians

30 Nov

Libertarian mayor of Johannesburg elected (The Freeman)

Libertarians and Greens did not prevent Hillary’s coronation (Jacobin)

Trump’s enablers (Ari Armstrong)

Libertarian Party now a major party in New Mexico (Miami Herald)

Oil fires suggest secret war between Iran and Saudi Arabia

30 Nov

Oil fires suggest secret war between Iran and Saudi Arabia: Proxy skrimishes flare on numerous fronts

Steve Bannon talks Richmond roots, says Trump will condemn all forms of racism

28 Nov

Steve Bannon talks Richmond roots, says Trump will condemn all forms of racism: Asked about scenes at a recent alt-right conference in Washington, Bannon said race-based nationalism is a ‘non-starter.’ He added:’I don’t think it stands the test of logic and there is no future for that really in America.’

An AR-15 in Every Home: 3D Gun Printer Cody Wilson on Resistance, Trump,…

27 Nov

Saturday links

26 Nov

A leftist picks his fave “right wing” websites to counter confirmation bias parochialism (Guardian)

Hillary team joins recounts (Medium)

Establishment journos create list of “fake” aka ideologically subversive news sites (Alternet)

Cuba – the de-developed country (City Journal)

Milton Friedman – I, Pencil

26 Nov

Thanksgiving weekend links

26 Nov

Donald Trump’s grandfather was conscientious objector, anti-imperialist activist (CNN)

Why Hillary Lost 1 (The Resurgent)

Why Hillary Lost 2 (Townhall)

Why Hillary Lost 3 (TrapNeuterRelease)

Are liberals educable?  (The ARC)

Feminist Gets OWNED on Hillary Clinton’s FBI Investigation

25 Nov

The Incredible Bread Machine Film

24 Nov

’60 Minutes’ goes to Sweden to cover plight of refugees, gets assaulted on camera

23 Nov