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Libertarian calendar for July

30 Jul

July 30
Arlington, VA

Young Americans for Liberty conference
(you must rsvp at
The conference as a whole is not open to the public, just the opening night.

Spectrum Theater
1611 N. Kent St.
Arlington, VA 22209
(Rosslyn metro stop)

Wednesday July 30th
5:45pm  Doors Open
6:15pm Convention Welcome, featuring Jeff Frazee
House of Representatives Panel, featuring United States House of Representative Members
7:30pm Keynote address, featuring Senator Rand Paul

July 31
Ottowa, Canada

Milton Friedman birthday celebration

We’ll be celebrating the legacy of Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman on the 102nd anniversary of his birth. Light food and drinks will be provided. Join us at 5:30pm upstairs at The Brig (23 York Street). Space is limited, RSVP to Matt Bufton (

The rhetoric of the shutdown – Michael Durham’s question about "lawless" tea party anarchists

14 Oct
A Nashville YouTube viewer/correspondent, Michael Durham, has been posting on my and other videos of yesterday’s White House protest, that we are wrong to use the word “fascist” to describe police showing up in riot gear, speeding through downtown, or using sirens (and perhaps he would include the killing of Miriam Carey?).

He also opines that the veterans and tea parties were breaking the law by visiting the Monuments.

I wonder if he can point to the law Congress passed closing these open spaces?

Why do Obama supporters always think Obama’s whims are laws?

If the President is issuing edicts closing down open spaces just to coerce people to obey is political agenda, without sanction of law, how is that not fascism?