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Libertarian Calendar for October (continuously updated)

21 Oct

October 24

FSF Seminar – A New FCC or the Same Old, Same Old?
The National Press Club, 
11:45 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.  

The Free State Foundation will hold a lunch seminar titled, “A New FCC or the Same Old, Same Old?” on Thursday, October 24, 2013, at the National Press Club.

With Tom Wheeler and Michael O’Rielly likely to arrive shortly as the new FCC Chairman and Commissioner, the FCC will be back to its full five-member complement. With a newly reconstituted FCC in place, and with ongoing dramatic changes in the communications and Internet marketplace occurring almost daily, this program will explore questions such as: Should we expect to see long-overdue institutional reforms at the FCC? What specifically should be done, if anything, to reorient the agency consistent with the dramatic marketplace and technological changes? What reforms can be implemented without congressional action? If congressional action is needed, are there measures short of a comprehensive overhaul of the Communications Act that should be enacted more quickly?

This Free State Foundation seminar will explore these questions – and more!


You may order FSF’s latest book, Communications Law and Policy in the Digital Age: The Next Five Years, from Amazon here, from Barnes & Noble here, or from Carolina Academic Press here
October 25
Washington DC
Lunch with Gary Johnson
  • Greetings Lover of Liberty!!

    The Our America Initiative is pleased to announce that our Honorary Chairman & 2012 Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson is returning to Washington for a special weekend of celebration and support for the message of economic liberty and personal freedom in a part of the country where very little of it exists.

    You are invited to join Gary to discuss the Our America Initiative – the ONLY national grassroots movement promoting both fiscal responsibility and social acceptance. From chairing state initiatives for “guns rights, equal marriage & pot legalization” as Michael Barone wrote about the majorities in favor of these personal rights, to running national PR campaigns against the scandals at the NSA, IRS and overseas interventions, OAI is redefining the liberty movement and taking advice from individuals like yourself on our next action.


    Date: Friday, October 25, 2013
    Time: Noon-2 pm EDT
    Cost: $150 per person
    RSVP by: 10/20/2013
    (Limited seating)

    To RSVP please contact Charles Frohman
    202-258-8027 or on the Facebook Invite.

    Daily Grill
    1200 18th Street NW, (18th & M)
    Washington, DC 20036

    The OUR America Initiative is a 501(c)(4) political advocacy committee and may receive unlimited donations from both individual and corporate donors.

October 25
Washington DC
Libertarian Halloween Party 


Liberty Halloween party! Come celebrate October’s holiday with Terra Eclipse at our brand new and super amazing private event space, The Loft at 600 F!

Costumes encouraged! Music, beer, wine, flying shark, and pizza provided. Also a really fun time with fun people.

Feel free to invite your friends.

The Loft is located on the 3rd Floor of 600 F St. NW across from the Verizon Center.


RSVP on Facebook if you wish BUT PLEASE ALSO RSVP HERE:


October 26
Washington DC
Union Station/Columbus Circle
Right now the NSA is spying on everyone’s personal communications, and they’re operating without any meaningful oversight. Since the Snowden leaks started, more than 571,000 people from all walks of life have signed the petition telling the U.S. Congress that we want them to rein in the NSA.
On October 26th, the 12th anniversary of the signing of the US Patriot Act, we’re taking the next step and holding the largest rally yet against NSA surveillance. We’ll be handing the half-million petitions to Congress to remind them that they work for us — and we won’t tolerate mass surveillance any longer.

Who we are is a coalition of more than 100 public advocacy organizations and companies from across the political spectrum. We came together in June 2013 to demand the U.S. Congress investigate the full extent of the NSA’s spying programs. Go here to read our letter to U.S. Congress demanding accountability and reform.
Members of the coalition include:



Tim Berners-Lee
Inventor of the World Wide Web
Daniel Ellsberg
Whistleblower of the Pentagon Papers, Author
Gabriella Coleman
Author and academic
Glenn Greenwald
Journalist and lawyer
Ai Weiwei
Chinese artist and activist
Xeni Jardin
Journalist and founding partner of Boing Boing
Eli Pariser
Founder, Upworthy
Wil Wheaton
Alexis Ohanian
Founder, Reddit
Anil Dash
Entrepreneur, technologist and writer



Washington, DC is a cesspool; let’s clean it up!

12 Oct
I just want to know if we get to rake up the Park  Police, the Barrackades, and the IRS and NSA


When: 10:00AM – 12:00PM
Where: US Capitol (West Lawn)
1st St SE, Washington, DC 20004
Join Glenn Beck, Sen. Mike Lee, FreedomWorks, and Tea Party Patriots on Saturday October 12th from 10AM to 12PM. DC needs to learn they can’t shut us down. We are the government. These monuments belong to us.
Show up This Saturday to Fix Up DC. Remember to bring garbage bags, rakes, and gloves. We’re going to clean up our capitol. Don’t bring signs. We’re here to work.

Why isn’t John Cornyn willing to do everything he can to save you from ObamaCare?

29 Jul

Why isn’t John Cornyn willing to do everything he can to save you from ObamaCare?

This week the Texas Senator gave Obama exactly what he wanted. Cornyn abandoned Mike Lee’s efforts to Defund ObamaCare.
First he was willing to do whatever it takes to stop Obamacare. Now he’s not.

cornyn mike lee.jpg

Honestly, I’m surprised I’m sending this e-mail. Last week, Cornyn was standing with Senator Lee against ObamaCare. But now, after talking to Mitch McConnell, Cornyn backed down.
Has Cornyn become too comfortable in Washington D.C.? Why isn’t he willing to Stand with Senator Lee and fight for regular Americans?
Give John Cornyn a call and demand to know why he’s not standing with Mike Lee!
Obama’s health care takeover is a threat to the whole country. And John Cornyn will not do what it takes to End ObamaCare.
Bruce, we must find out why.
In Liberty,
Matt Kibbe Signature
Matt Kibbe
President and CEO, FreedomWorks

Defunding Obamacare

28 Jul

Senator Mike Lee on 2014 election

28 Jul

Coffee and donuts at FreedomWorks

27 Jul
For those in and around Washington DC,
We will be meeting in front of 400 N. Capitol St NW in Washington, DC tomorrow morning at 7:30am. Senator Lee will be arriving just before 8am for his Fox News Sunday hit.
FreedomWorks (which is located in the same building) is hosting a watch party with coffee and donuts and have kindly agreed to let us attend. Their doors will open at 8am. Senator Lee will be joining us at the watch party after his Fox News hit.

If you can be there in the morning it would be great for encouraging Senator Lee to keep pressing forward.

Tea Party Patriots is beginning to work on an effort to push the House and Senate to defund Obamacare by not voting for any CR that funds the law. There are a few Senators who have taken the lead on this issue, but Senator Mike Lee from Utah is making the best argument by saying that if they vote to fund it, they ultimately support the law.

Senator Lee is scheduled to be on Fox News Sunday and we want to give him some encouragement before he is on the show. So we’re trying to gauge how many people could potentially show up in DC in front of Fox News Studios with signs in support of Lee’s efforts. This would also be a good photo opp to use to put pressure on other Senators, and ultimately the House to follow suit.

Additional Information for Background:
*Note: We aren’t advocating for a government shut down. The Republicans have the ability to pass legislation that would fund the entire government with the exception of Obamacare, putting the ball in the court of the Democrats. The Democrats have already admitted implementation of the law is failing by calling it a “train wreck,” proposing that the employer mandate be delayed for a year, and delaying the establishment of exchanges in several states. Also, public opinion is on our side in this. Right now the biggest obstacle seems to be the Republican establishment.

Email me if you have any questions.
In Liberty,
Lisa Miller
Tea Party WDC

Coffee and donuts at FreedomWorks

27 Jul
For those in and around Washington DC,
We will be meeting in front of 400 N. Capitol St NW in Washington, DC tomorrow morning at 7:30am. Senator Lee will be arriving just before 8am for his Fox News Sunday hit.
FreedomWorks (which is located in the same building) is hosting a watch party with coffee and donuts and have kindly agreed to let us attend. Their doors will open at 8am. Senator Lee will be joining us at the watch party after his Fox News hit.

If you can be there in the morning it would be great for encouraging Senator Lee to keep pressing forward.

Tea Party Patriots is beginning to work on an effort to push the House and Senate to defund Obamacare by not voting for any CR that funds the law. There are a few Senators who have taken the lead on this issue, but Senator Mike Lee from Utah is making the best argument by saying that if they vote to fund it, they ultimately support the law.

Senator Lee is scheduled to be on Fox News Sunday and we want to give him some encouragement before he is on the show. So we’re trying to gauge how many people could potentially show up in DC in front of Fox News Studios with signs in support of Lee’s efforts. This would also be a good photo opp to use to put pressure on other Senators, and ultimately the House to follow suit.

Additional Information for Background:
*Note: We aren’t advocating for a government shut down. The Republicans have the ability to pass legislation that would fund the entire government with the exception of Obamacare, putting the ball in the court of the Democrats. The Democrats have already admitted implementation of the law is failing by calling it a “train wreck,” proposing that the employer mandate be delayed for a year, and delaying the establishment of exchanges in several states. Also, public opinion is on our side in this. Right now the biggest obstacle seems to be the Republican establishment.

Email me if you have any questions.
In Liberty,
Lisa Miller
Tea Party WDC

Defunding Obamacare (Petition)

26 Jul
Dear Fellow American,
Obamacare is an absolute disaster, and I am leading the charge to defund it in the Senate.
So far, a number of my colleagues have pledged to join me in ending the nightmare, including Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul.
But to get the job done, I’m going to need dozens more of my colleagues on board.
And that’s where you come in.
We need to send a tidal wave of petitions through Washington in the next few weeks.
Harry Reid and his Democrat colleagues are intent on saving Obamacare. They’re going to do everything they possibly can to keep us from defunding it.
But it gets worse. Even some in my own party are refusing to fight to defund Obamacare. They’d rather let this nightmare of a program roll on unchecked than ruffle Harry Reid’s feathers.
That’s why the American people absolutely MUST rise up by the millions. We have to tell the D.C. “ruling class” the hard, honest truth…

If you vote to fund Obamacare, you’re for Obamacare. And if you’re forObamacare, you’re against the American people.

I need your help to get this message across. We need to make these big-government Washington insiders sit up and take notice before it’s too late.
This nationwide petition drive is our last chance to defund Obamacare before it takes effect this fall. But thankfully, our odds of ending it have never been better.
Just a few weeks ago, the Obama administration showed us just how corrupt the entire program is when the president decided to enforce only parts of Obamacare. Starting January 1, employers will be protected from Obamcare’s worst effects, while hard-working families will still have to pay the price.

They’re shamelessly cutting corners to protect their big-business cronies while they punish the American people with the most oppressive fiscal burden in history!!
We already knew that this law was unaffordable, but now we know for a fact that it’s unfair. And that’s why we have to kill it before it’s too late.
If Barack Obama won’t follow his own law, the American people shouldn’t be forced to fund it!
Honestly, I never thought it would be this hard to convince my colleagues to defund such an obvious disaster of a big-government program.
But many of them are really, really committed to this debacle.
Even though they know for a fact that it will destroy our economy, kill millions of jobs, and vastly reduce the quality of healthcare for every American, they’re ready to continue funding it.
That’s why we need to put these on-the-fence Senators on notice. We need to remind them that if they vote to fund Obamacare, they’ll own it lock, stock, and barrell.
And in 2014 and 2016, the American people will remember.
My friend, I can’t do this without you. Please help right away.
For Freedom,

Paid for by Friends of Mike Lee, Inc.

10 W Broadway, Suite 500
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

A funny thing happened on the way to the Audit the IRS rally

19 Jun

A very multipartisan Washington day – I went to Grover Norquist’s center-right meeting I can say nothing about under penalty of defenestration, then stopped for lunch at Johnny’s on the Half Shell take out on the way to the Audit the IRS rally at the Capitol.

Johnny’s is under the building CNN, FOX and FreedomWorks are in, so while there I saw a still not arrested James Rosen and the internet’s Token Libertarian Girl Julie Borowski as they left for lunch, rallies, etc

Then I was in a food line with my FaceBook friend and former Howard Dean campaign chair Joe Trippi (who I’d never met) and ended joining him for lunch and getting to ask him about politics for the next two election cycles (something he does professionally as a liberal pundit for FOX). He’s very likeable for a Democrat on and off screen. 

At the Audit rally I heard Glen Beck, Rand Paul and Mike Lee, and ran into Austin Petersen and DC Libertarian Party chair Ryan Sabot.

At some point earlier, but I’m not allowed to say where, I talked to Dick Heller of Heller decision fame, and a former Libertarian candidate himself.

Tonight I’m going to something at reason magazine.  Don’t hate me because I’m a Beltway libertarian.  Buy a damn house from me so I won’t have time for this stuff.

Audit the IRS – Live Coverage – Senator Mike Lee

19 Jun