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Inside NPR

17 Nov
Racked by James O’Keefe’s video exposing NPR fundraising executives using anti-Semitism to raise funds from Islamic theocrats, National Public Radio nevertheless found time to join in DC yuppie ‘crats gentrifying displacement of lower and working class black neighborhoods, by moving from 6th and Massachusetts NW to a gleaming new LEED building with 330,000 square feet for its 680 DC (out of a worldwide total of 800 odd) employees.

When almost all of your staff is in one town, can you really say All Things Considered with a straight face?  I guess it depends on what the meaning of “things” is?

Some lecture from the NPR docent in a studio:

Mediabistro Party at Science Club, January 24

11 Jan


Hosted by NPR’s Business Development
Specialist, Marc Allon Pultuskier