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Gibson: US cannot be world policemen anymore

11 Feb
Gay Democrat Sean Eldridge, husband of New Republic owner/editor and Facebook founder Chris Hughes, has filed papers to run against Gibson.  We have not researched Gibson’s voting history on individual rights or gay issues.

Gibson: US cannot be world policemen anymore
Gibson addresses his Veterans’ Advisory Board

KINGSTON – Congressman Christopher Gibson told his Veterans Advisory Board meeting in Kingston on Monday that as the war in Afghanistan winds down, the US can no longer play the role of world policeman as it has since the end of the Cold War.

Gibson said while al Qaeda is “a determined enemy” bent on destroying the Western World, the US must change its military mission.

“If we think differently then I think we can reorganize our armed forces and we can still have the world’s most formidable armed forces and deter other nations that would want to do us harm without putting us in all these spots all over the world,” he said.