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Libertarian Opera Singer Kickstarter

13 Apr
Opera is more than a Passion
for me it is a Calling. It is so
rare to be given a gift of talent that transforms your life. Even more rare, is for that
gift to have the ability to change the lives of others. Performing for an audience is the
great joy of my life. Not only is it a rush, but it is also a privilege to share who I am
and what I care about with an audience. I get to take these ancient stories and make
them current, bringing characters from history to life through music.
If the Kickstarter doesn’t reach the goal of $3500, I’ll get nothing, you’ll get nothing
and this trip is going to be very tough to get through. Thank you to each and every
one of you! I’m so grateful for your support in helping me achieve my dreams.
There are a lot of moving pieces for this trip including ME! It’s difficult to know 
exactly what city I will be in at what point. Auditions can come in very last 
minute and there will be a constant effort to make sure I’m in the most 
advantageous place at the right time.
Thank you to each and every one of you! I’m so grateful for your support in
helping me achieve my dreams


pledged of $3,500 goal


days to go