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DC pot seed queue meets the tragedy of the commons, kind of

27 Mar

Basic microeconomics strikes again – it’s illegal to sell pot seeds in DC, you can only give them away.  So a line 4 blocks long formed to get free seeds, at a venue  — appropriately called Libertine — only open for two and a half hours.  So only 60% of those in line got seeds.  There is a second free seed distribution this Saturday.  Rumor is the local Libertarian Party will pass out free – and regular – brownies.  Where the same thing may happen again.  Still, it’s better than government cheese…

reasonTV was covering this event – but, we beat them to the press!  So until they post you will just have to enjoy our videos – vegans against pot (roast), hydroponics salespeeps, etc.  Located in the trendy Adams Morgan neighborhood, just a bongs through from the homes of various Cato, Institute for Justice, and Atlas Network dynamos (– and only 8 blocks from reason magazine’s DC offices, so I don’t know why they can’t load their damn video quicker!)  Besides reasonTV‘s Todd Krainen, the only other libertarians I noticed about were a local conservatarian who works in the private sector for CoStar, and a
Ron Paulista public interest lawyer who works for the Electronic Freedom Foundation.