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Terms and Condition

17 Aug
A documentary, slightly comic, playing all this week in DC at the West End Cinema (23rd and M).

Here’s the trailer and some video of the discussion after the (DC) premier, including a call from Dennis Kucinich to “punch the NSA’s card” and a demented, miasmic Obama supporter who worries that Obama’s data collection on his supporters for his campaign will someday fall into the “wrong” hands.

Here’s the panel discussion:

Here’s Dennis Kucinich (in the audience) calling for the abolition of the NSA, and a slightly delusional Obama supporter worrying that the REAL problem is that Organizing for America did such a good job of data collection that the NSA will now vacuum up that data and an evil tea party president in the future will know who he is!  And maybe target him with the IRS!

Here’s the movie trailer:

More of the panel:

Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich, in the audience with his wife, calls for abolishing the NSA:

Reason magazine interview with Cullen Hollback, the director:

More of the panel:

And more panel:

And more!