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Is Atlas Shrugging on DC Metro buses?

6 Jan

Remember how during the economic collapse in Atlas Shrugged people start doing “Who is John Galt?” graffiti?

In the last pages of  the novel (which reason magazine editor Matt Welch has never read), as the economy collapses and the government becomes a dictatorship and cities lose power, Americans who don’t know exactly how and why the collectivist policies they tacitly supported caused the collapse, do, from their native surviving common sense, begin slapping bureaucrats so hard they break some jaws, and begin scribbling graffiti on walls reading “Who is John Galt?”

Today DC is immobilized, hysterically, by a few inches of snow, following a week where a whole zip code (Logan and Shaw) could not drink the government water, which smelled like kerosene (still no explanation).  Most of Dupont Circle, including one of my offices, has no power today, even though all the power cables there are under ground.  This is in a city where power goes out to many neighborhoods every year when a tree limb falls, and where Metro elevators and escalators are perpetually breaking down.

And today on one of the buses I took so as not to drive in the snow I saw this Obamacare poster, humorously defaced.  My first reaction:  Methinks the natives are getting restless!  I chuckled aloud.  But it turns out the ad is part of a series of very, very, neatly defaced ads.  The insurance companies are putting out ads targeting people who are frustrated with or hate Obamacare!  For the many people whose eyes would normally glaze over if presented with an ACA related ad, this ad gets them to read about the policy offered, by seeming to be rebellious anti-ACA graffiti.

DC has a new libertarian owned bar

27 Sep
Steve Davis is a rocket scientist (he has a PhD in Rocket Science) and Austrian economist (and opponent of a government money supply) who started a unique yogurt store, Mr. Yogato, in DC, because it had no frozen yogurt like his previous California hometown had.  Steve was an extra in the Atlas Shrugged II, where he sat beside Dagny Taggart in the Rearden trial scene.

Now he’s opened a new bar in DuPont Circle:

This DC bar has the craziest, craziest rules

At the ’80s-themed game bar Thomas Foolery, you’ll never hear, “Stop acting like a child!”, “Grow up!”, or “Why can’t you be more like your successful, though very anti-social half-brother?” because, 1) your unapologetic stepmother won’t be around, and 2) the place is filled w/ Mario Kart, old-school candy, and ridiculous party rules — yes, one does involve doing “The Carlton” — for discounts. Here are the seven rules you need to know before heading in:

Thomas Foolery

2029 P St NW
WashingtonDC 20036

DC’s new libertarian bar

27 Sep

Steve Davis is a rocket scientist (he has a PhD in Rocket Science) and Austrian economist (and opponent of a government money supply) who started a unique yogurt store, Mr. Yogato, in DC, because it had no frozen yogurt like his previous California hometown had.  Steve was an extra in the Atlas Shrugged II, where he sat beside Dagny Taggart in the Rearden trial scene.

Now he’s opened a new bar in DuPont Circle:

This DC bar has the craziest, craziest rules

At the ’80s-themed game bar Thomas Foolery, you’ll never hear, “Stop acting like a child!”, “Grow up!”, or “Why can’t you be more like your successful, though very anti-social half-brother?” because, 1) your unapologetic stepmother won’t be around, and 2) the place is filled w/ Mario Kart, old-school candy, and ridiculous party rules — yes, one does involve doing “The Carlton” — for discounts. Here are the seven rules you need to know before heading in:

Thomas Foolery

2029 P St NW
WashingtonDC 20036

Jesse Jackson Jr. Pleads Guilty: "Tell the folks back home I’m sorry I let everybody down"

23 Feb
Jesse Jackson Jr. Pleads Guilty: “Tell the folks back home I’m sorry I let everybody down”

It’s funny that Jesse Jackson Jr. thinks Chicago is “back home.”  I first met him in 1982 or so, when I believe he was a high school student at the one public high school in NW DC middle class yuppies would let their kids attend, or at least friends with my housemates who had gone to school there.  He showed up on the front porch of the group house I lived in on Northampton Street in Chevy, Chase, D.C., surly, looking for one of my housemates, upset that she didn’t answer the door and that I made him wait on the front porch.  His mother June has long owned a house at the corner of 4th and T in LeDroit Park.  And Jesse owns a multi-million dollar abode at 2034 O Street NW in DuPont Circle which has been on and off the market during his troubles.  Supposedly some of his purloined funds went to decorate it, and you can judge for yourself here it looks like they were well spent.