DC has a new libertarian owned bar

27 Sep
Steve Davis is a rocket scientist (he has a PhD in Rocket Science) and Austrian economist (and opponent of a government money supply) who started a unique yogurt store, Mr. Yogato, in DC, because it had no frozen yogurt like his previous California hometown had.  Steve was an extra in the Atlas Shrugged II, where he sat beside Dagny Taggart in the Rearden trial scene.

Now he’s opened a new bar in DuPont Circle:

This DC bar has the craziest, craziest rules

At the ’80s-themed game bar Thomas Foolery, you’ll never hear, “Stop acting like a child!”, “Grow up!”, or “Why can’t you be more like your successful, though very anti-social half-brother?” because, 1) your unapologetic stepmother won’t be around, and 2) the place is filled w/ Mario Kart, old-school candy, and ridiculous party rules — yes, one does involve doing “The Carlton” — for discounts. Here are the seven rules you need to know before heading in:

Thomas Foolery

2029 P St NW
WashingtonDC 20036

One Response to “DC has a new libertarian owned bar”


  1. 17間全世界你此生一定要去狂歡過的超奇特酒吧。 - September 5, 2018

    […] The Insomniac Libertarian    不想長大的大人們,快來這裡擁抱住在心裡的小孩吧!這家酒吧的口號是:「小孩子的食物與大孩子的飲料。」這裡就像是讓大人能喝醉的遊樂場,你能在這裡坐下來,吃著烤乳酪三明治和冰淇淋;也能玩一場瑪利歐賽車或迷你籃球。如果點餐時以娃娃音點了話,你的飲料能因此少付 1 美金 (台幣 32 元)。 […]

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