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Rumors of GOProud’s death greatly exaggerated

26 Jun

Contrary to a rumor I’d heard and even repeated, GOProud is not disbanding.

Last night they had a comedy event fundraiser in DC just to prove it at RFD, a popular Chinatown venue, with four (straight male) comics from District Comedy, Simone (who MC’ed), Pat Coffey, Wes Martens, and headliner Mike Finazzo.  There was a lot of DC vs Baltimore humor and there were a lot of jokes about blacks and whites.  The comics, mainly Democrats as well as heterosexuals, did well relating to a non-Democratic gay male audience (over 50% of the crowd) even with such (planned?) faux pas as Wes Marten’s “I was so stupid as a teen — all I was looking for was the same thing as everyone else here then…oh…well…maybe not the same thing….”  But the half dozen lesbians there seem to have left pretty early, including the one who is a GOProud board member and her partner and friend.  And one young straight woman got some humor harassment from Pat Coffey that went over the line.

LaSalvia actually had the best line of the night:  “When we decided to start GOProud they told me we would be hated by the right and by the left. And that’s how we roll at GOProud, we take it in both ends.”  Simone did a lot of interracial dating jokes and stories: “I’ve fucked more white girls than anorexia”  and “Black guys and white girls go together like white guys and Asian girls. It’s the circle of life.”  Which led Wes Marten to retaliate with:  “So it turns out the same chemical that is in Viagra is found in watermelon, something called citrulline. I don’t want to say the brothers have been holding back, but…”  Wes also told a lot of self-deprecatory jokes about aging and being married:  “I’m an older comic, all my drugs have become medications – I went from Acapulco gold to Centrum Silver overnight. I got some medical marijuana in California, but they gave it to me as a suppository.  And I couldn’t get it lit.”

Coffey, aside from making the women in the audience uncomfortable, had the best political jokes: “The Republicans have their first lesbian Senator…Lindsey Graham,” “I’m glad you found the venue, we we’re originally going to hold it in a giant closet” and “People get confused by gay Republicans. The IRS didn’t know whether to target you or not.”  As well as humor about his status as a near 40 year old virgin:  “My sex life took a hit recently. My keyboard broke.”

Finazzo did humorous stories mainly about his own marriage.  Amusing but not roflmao and not easily transcribed.

(photo: Kerri Toloczko )