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American University professor sacked from socialist group for questioning government climate change claims

23 Jun
An academic on the anti-war left has been sacked from his affiliation with the socialist Institute for Policy Studies in DC for questioning the government position on climate change:

Investor’s Business Daily reports:

Global Warming Witch Hunt Continues With Caleb Rossiter

Junk Science: Without evidence to back up their claims, climate zealots have taken to intimidation. They’re blacklisting academics who have the nerve to question the “settled science” of climate change.

The latest victim of climate McCarthyism is Caleb Rossiter, who, until his op-ed challenging the “consensus” on climate change was published in the Wall Street Journal, was a Democratic academic who briefly forayed into politics but was content to crusade against U.S. support for dictators and against the use of anti-personnel land mines.
In that op-ed, Rossiter called himself an “Africanist.” He not only questioned the science behind climate change warnings but the impact of abandoning fossil fuels on human progress on a continent that’s lowest in production of carbon emissions and the neediest in terms of economic development.
For his questioning of climate orthodoxy, Rossiter, an adjunct professor at American University, was sacked via email from his position with the Institute for Policy Studies. That organization says it is committed to something called “climate justice,” a notion that Rossiter questioned. He believes that position dooms the African continent to reliance on green energy sources such as wind and solar that are erratic and unreliable.

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