Archive | January, 2017

Obama’s administration made the “Muslim ban” possible and the media won’t tell you

31 Jan

Seth J. Frantzman - author - analyst


I was outraged by the ban on refugees from war-torn countries in the Middle East. I’ve covered refugees fleeing war in Iraq and Syria over the last two years, meeting families on the road in Greece, Serbia and Macedonia, speaking to poor people in Turkey and Jordan and discussing the hopes and fears of people displaced in Iraq. If you want to ban “terrorists,” these are the last people to hit with a refugee ban. Instead the government should be using the best intelligence possible to find people being radicalized, some of whom have lived in the US their whole lives or who come from countries not affected by the ban, such as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan.

So I was outraged, and then I read the executive order. There are many full texts of the order online, such as at CNN, the NYT, the

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Libertarian Pub Opens in Toronto

30 Jan

A brand new venue on Queen Street East called the Libertarian Public House. We will bringing in a lot new events, live music, meetings, and a great new menu all homemade. We are free to conversation, opinions, spirit, and life. Libertarian welcomes you.

Ethnic IQ

28 Jan

Tucker Carlson HEATED interview with BuzzFeed Editor in Chief Ben Smith

28 Jan

ConArtist Goes Undercover at NYC Women’s March

28 Jan

Google fascism – Google censors Youtube of Tucker Carlson VS. Women’s March Trump Protestor – Celebrities Attack Trump

27 Jan

NY mag writer Jonathan Chait defends his offer for a $100M bounty on President Trump ‘dead or alive’

26 Jan

Tucker Carlson vs Jonathan Gruber: Obamacare

26 Jan

The Media

26 Jan

I read an interesting opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal today. BLUF: Donald Trump has spent the past year and a half trolling the news media with everything from outright lies, to outrageous…

Source: The Media

What happened to our media?

26 Jan

I was thinking about the short piece I wrote yesterday about the media, which considers itself somehow the guardian of the truth, being flogged, jerked around, and trolled by the President, while t…

Source: What happened to our media?