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Tommy Wells fundraiser cancelled

9 Aug
One time Libertarian candidate Rob Kampia was hosting a fundraiser for Tommy Wells, the potentially “Liberaltarian” Democrat candidate for DC mayor, who favors marijuana decriminalization and opposes, it seems, special regulations targeting WalMart.  If you were going (lots of libertarians were invited) it has been cancelled.

Fundraising Reception for Tommy Wells

Hosted by Rob Kampia, Head of the Marijuana Policy Project
We regret to inform you that the Fundraising Reception for Tommy Wells has been cancelled. A message from Tommy: “For personal reasons, I must cancel, but I’m in solidarity with decriminalizing the use of small amounts of marijuana. The marijuana laws have had too devastating of an impact on our society to let this continue any longer. My partnership with the Marijuana Policy Project will be critical to moving forward in the future.” We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you.

Of course, now that the Libertarian Party has permanent ballot status in DC, it will likely be running a candidate for mayor in 2014.