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Training the feral Libertarian

19 Oct
The Libertarian Party national office offered a very fiscally prudent training to a few dozen Libertarian candidates and campaign managers and candidate recruiters this weekend, that they hope to reproduce around the country.

Toasted Libertarians:  Wes Benedict (far left); Virginia state delegate candidates
Carl Loser (Richmond) and Andy Bakker (Alexandria) (far right)

The two day weekend class, with a Friday night party at the LP national headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, a Saturday night Potomac cruise and restaurant and bar crawl in Georgetown and Foggy Bottom, and a Sunday post-workshop excursion to the National Mall, cost only $40 ($25 for extremely early bird registrants.)  Frugally held at a $99 a night motel just outside the Beltway, the LP’s fiscal austerity got it coverage in The Washington Times

Libertarians React to Obama’s Immigration Plan

22 Nov
Very few libertarians seemed to have addressed the realpolitik and motives of Obama’s plan, creating millions of new quasi-citizens who will illegally register to vote and vote for his party and access the earned income tax credit and other tax loot funded benefits.  My friend Gavin Kitchens replies to the latter half of this query:

  • Gavin Kitchens So ridiculous. Do people not think limited access to the job market has something to do with earning lower wages and higher rates of poverty?

Here’s a sampling of libertarian opinion:

As a libertarian I am concerned that Congress has ceded so much power to the executive on immigration. But also as a libertarian I can hardly be unhappy that he is using these powers to expand individual freedom rather than, say, torture. If there is ever a good use of such powers, surely something like this is it! (Interestingly, John Yoo, the same guy who wrote Bush’s torture memos is also the one who has written law review articles questioning the constitutionality of executive action on immigration!)
In regards to Obama and his lovely new executive order that he has in store for immigration…lemme just remind y’all that he actually can’t do this as it’s a breach of the checks and balances system. Don’t believe me? Article 1 Section 8 Clause 4. Hopefully SCOTUS will review this if he really does go through with it.

Nils Andersson
You can have free immigration – OR you can have a welfare state. But you cannot have both. Dixit Milton Friedman.

Jon Osborne
Quote of the Day: “These illegal aliens are willing to do the work that Americans will no longer do — namely, vote Democrat.” –Howie Carr

There are 4 gazillion laws on the books in this country. Every administration decides which laws they want to prioritize for enforcement.That’s one reason you want a good administration in there. They can’t possibly enforce everything. If tonight he just announces what he’s not gonna enforce (basically) and you get upset about the constitutional angle, well… Think about all the laws that are not remotely really constitutional at all… and then think how you would feel if he decided to not enforce those federal drug laws, which are also not constitutional… Just a thought. Not defending the administration. There is sooooo very much to criticize. But not deporting people who were raised here and allowing them not to become thugs and prostitutes, well… I would not start with that.

At the Cato Institute, resident immigration policy analyst Alex Nowrasteh has been writing and speaking offering Obama two cheers:

reason magazine writers are surveyed at Tyrant or Liberator? The Pundits React to Obama’s Immigration Plan