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Pakistan political party outs alleged CIA station chief, seeks charges over drone strikes

29 Nov
Pakistan political party outs alleged CIA station chief, seeks charges over drone strikes

Dr. Mazari describe her politics on twitter as:

Shireen Mazari

Shireen Mazari


Anarchist by temperament! CEO Strategic Technology Resources & SSII; back in PTI fold politically!

[PTI Press Release on Miranshah drone attack]

On behalf of PTI, Central Information Secretary PTI, Shireen Mazari, today issued a strong condemnation of the drone attack on Miranshah last night. She said it showed once again that the US has nothing but contempt for Pakistan’s leadership as it continues to assume these leaders will pay mere lip service to demands of stopping drones when in reality they remain subservient to the US.

This new drone attack is a direct test of the Will of the federal government, Mazari stated. She added that the people of Pakistan expect the Prime Minister to stand up to his commitments on drones as well to fulfilling the APC mandate of stopping drone attacks otherwise it will be clear that the present government is following the same duplicitous approach on drones adopted by the previous government.

Mazari said the PTI was now more than ever before convinced that Nawaz Sharif coming to power through a massively rigged election was part of a larger understanding over acceptance of US diktat – an election NRO.

Mazari asserted that the timing of this latest drone attack, on the eve of the new COAS taking over command, is also a hostile intent message to the military leadership.

Once again the US has shown its utter contempt for the people of Pakistan, the repeated national consensus against drones expressed in Parliamentary and APC resolutions and for the successive democratic political leadership of the country, Mazari concluded.