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Liberation Ferry – They’re there, they’re queer, get them out!

21 Feb
Do we need Gaylt’s Gulch?

Masha Gessen, the journalist who moved to the US to escape anti-gay violence in Russia (and is the primary author publishing on Pussy Riot), predicts doom for Russian gays who remain there. Would start up cities and seasteading be a solution? With gays giving their money to an Israeli style airlift of Russian (Nigerian, etc.) gays?

(Photo:  Russian-American lesbian journalist Masha Gessen, channeling Ayn Rand?)

Save them Peter Thiel, you’re their only hope!”  

NBC – Nerdy, Boring Communists?

11 Feb

NBC, which has an exclusive contract with Russia for the Sochi Olympics coverage, has been praising Vladimir Putin and the noble experiment of Stalinism. It also edited out pro-gay, anti-discrimination remarks from its broadcast of the opening speeches at Sochi. No word yet on whether Rachel Maddow and other house gays on the NBC plantation have any comment.

“The towering presence, the empire that ascended to affirm a colossal footprint. The revolution that birthed one of modern history’s pivotal experiments. But if politics has long shaped our sense of who they are, it’s passion that endures. As a more reliable right to their collective heart. What they build in aspirations lifted by imagination. What they craft, through the wonder of every last detail. How magical the fusion of sound and movement can be. How much a glass of distilled perfection and an overflowing table can matter. Discover the Russian people through these indelible signatures. Discover what we share with them through the games that open here tonight.”