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Libertarians rant on gay marriage decision; plus the comedy stylings of Bruce Majors

28 Jun
Today is a good day. You may not agree with all aspects of how it came about, but in the end, people of the same sex who love each other and want to build a life together are now afforded some of the same privileges as heterosexual couples. I fail to comprehend how anyone could think allowing gay couples to participate in the tradition of marriage somehow erodes the institution. They should be far more concerned with people like me who think marriage is an outdated concept that the government should have nothing to do with and that most people should simply enter into a non-religious contractual union between two *or more* people.

Bruce P. Majors   Lots of people were against gay marriage. Back in 2012 Obama and Osama were still homophones.

Ryan CaleyThe reason I have a half smirk on my face when I hear democrats say things like “mind your own business and quit telling other people how to live” or say “you have no right to tell other people what is right or wrong. Stay out of the bedroom” is because while I completely agree, they are the worst at minding their own business. They have no problems taking over healthcare, taking away my gun, controlling education and not supporting school choice or vouchers, want more taxes and regulations, want to take over the Internet, soak the rich, redistribute wealth, increase their power and scope at every level and use the IRS to target conservatives, want to dissent on those who disagree, ban things etc… If democrats did mind their own business and stop trying to control everything, I would take them seriously on gay marriage.

Bruce P. Majors Confused about the tortured reasoning SCOTUS used to reach the gay marriage decision? Just remember, marriage is a tax AND a penalty

Gus Spanier An observation….I have heard from conservative sources that the gay population has been vastly over estimated. If that is the case, why are these conservatives getting excited about the SCOTUS’s decision if it only effects such a small percentage of the population?

Bruce P. Majors  A guy here is demanding the right to marry two women. That’s easier now. Just find a willing married lesbian couple. It’s like shampoo and conditioner in one.

Craig Holland Dixon  Someday I’ll have explain to my grandchildren that I tried to stop the government overreach. They will be wide-eyed with amazement as I explain to them that people used to live in houses with yards– not urban cubby hole apartments, were allowed to drive their own gas powered cars, eat whatever they wanted, say offensive things without being fined or arrested, and even keep most of their paycheck!

But try as I might to get them to do so, instead of lowering my god damn taxes and reducing the size and scope of government intrusion, too many of my fellow Republicans couldn’t stop worrying about where consenting adults were putting their penises.

Bruce P. Majors Breaking – SCOTUS rules Obamacare covers treatment for penumbral emanations.

Elisheva Hannah Levin·   Some  of my better reasoned statements come out of discussions with friends. In pondering with some libertarian friends the issues surrounding the SCOTUS ruling re: gay marriage, one commentor mentioned “states’ rights.” I responded: 

States don’t have rights. Only individuals have rights.

States have powers, and they have more powers than the Feds. That said, the states agreed to the constitution, and the bill of rights is part of that document since 1791. The states have no power to violate the natural rights of individuals. The states have no power to privilege one group by allowing them a contract others may not have. 
And that said, really, neither states or localities should be issuing permission slips that limit anyone’s right to make whatever contract he or she wants. By the same token, states have no power to force individuals into a contract. 
This is why BOTH Obamacare AND marriage licenses violate individual rights. So is getting the state to force someone to bake you a cake.

Bruce P. Majors  It’s the only proven method of birth control

Robert MarshallI think soon the Democratic Party is going to enact an edict that to be gay you have to get the seal of approval from them. 

Because you know being born gay is not enough, you have to prescribe to the politics to get that float seat in the Pride parade.

Then you have to grovel at the feet of heterosexuals who changed their profile pics to rainbows to thank them for their social media activism and to be grateful for things you didn’t even want.

Mario Rizzo. Take a perfectly libertarian idea — same sex civil marriage. Then mix in the progressive mindset — if people have a legal right to do something then everyone must act as if they approve this exercise of rights. Then comes “Mother of Pearl Day School” — not a religious school but a value-laden school. “We do not want to hire people who are in same-sex marriages to teach our innocent, but ignorant, children.” What then? You know the rest of the story. Pluralistic values have no role. This is not libertarian. I guess we will have to live with this moral mess.

Bruce P. MajorsYou know all you deep fried social cons who think Lord Jesus will be sending biblical plagues against America for legalizing the freedom to marry should know I support totally your rights to make cakes, preach gospel, pray, sing, hire, fire, attend weddings, etc etc as you please. 

And when you write some stuff comparing me to pedophiles and people on heroin and people who like goats just remember that I am a tolerant, patient, open minded person who will wait for you to be all alone before I strike.

Annette AndersonOutright Libertarians
I stood up in front of our marriage rally today and told them libertarians have promoted marriage equality since 1971 and as the LGBTQ coordinator of Libertarian Party of Bexar County and as a member of Outright Libertarians, which is the LGBTQ branch of the Libertarian Party we want to welcome everyone.

Bruce P. Majors

Now that gay marriage is legal I’m launching an App for gay couples planning vacations. Merging Foursquare with Grindr, I call it Foursome.

Marc Scribner

Gays win, religionists cry, and we get some excellent Free Beacon trolling. Great day for America.

“The Supreme Court on Friday struck down state bans on same-sex marriage, bringing the United States one step closer to the freedom-loving utopia envisioned by right-leaning philanthropy baron David Koch.

Koch, who has publicly supported gay marriage since before Hillary Clinton flip-flopped on the issue, signed on to a Supreme Court brief in March urging the court to overturn same-sex marriage bans. Clinton, meanwhile, did not believe in a Constitutional right to gay marriage until April 15, 2015.
The court’s ruling is just the latest example of how the Koch brothers will be remembered as tireless champions of freedom who have consistently been on the right side of history. David Koch has donated generously to the arts and is an outspoken enemy of cancer, which has riled his critics on the anti-ballet, pro-death left. His recent donation to a New York City hospital, for example, inspired an angry protest from liberal groups. Koch-backed efforts to reform our broken immigration and criminal justice systems are currently under attack from Democratic operatives loyal to Hillary Clinton.
Fortunately for America, these attacks are almost certain to fail. The arc of history is long, but it bends toward Koch.
Dick Cheney was also an early backer of gay marriage.”

Bruce P. Majors Breaking – Supreme’s mandate that employers offer gay marriage, the only proven 100% effective method of birth control.

How many guys went out and celebrated the ruling last night, by doing things that are the opposite of what you would need to do if married to someone? lol

Joshuwa Proctor This is why we can’t have nice things, well other than decor, home cooked meals and a night of Idol without interruptions. But other than that, no nice things at all.

Libertarian calendar for September

30 Sep

September 30
Washington DC

Book Forum

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 12:00PM

Featuring the author Todd Zywicki, Professor, George Mason University School of Law; with comments by Anthony Yezer, Professor, Department of Economics, George Washington University. Moderated by Mark Calabria, Director, Financial Regulation Studies, Cato Institute.

Why do people borrow? An attempt to live beyond their means or income smoothing that accompanies growing prosperity? Consumer Credit and the American Economy examines the economics, behavioral science, sociology, history, law, and regulation of consumer credit in the United States. The authors look at why Americans use credit and the implications for both the American economy and government regulation. With the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, created by the Dodd-Frank Act, spreading its wings, there is perhaps no better time to have an in-depth discussion about the past and future of consumer credit. This panel features some of the leading experts in consumer financial regulation, who have served as both regulators and scholars.

This event is being co-sponsored by the Federalist Society.

REGISTER  or Watch online Sep 30

September 30
Arlington VA

Liberty on the Rocks

Do you feel it? Fall is in the air! We have almost a year until dealing with bathing suits and interns again so let’s get together to toast with some (big) beers at Hunan.

Scottish (lack of) independence, ISIS, checking Bitcoin value on your iphone 6 – there’s a lot to catch up on! I hope to see you there and keep the conversation about liberty alive.


* $5.50 32 oz beers (ALL BEERS – IPAs, Blue Moon, Shocktop, etc. not just the miller/bud tier, but not Guinness)
* 2/$6 shots
* Dinner entree and sushi specials

Happy hour lasts until 9:00PM!
18+ to enter
21+ to drink

Hunan Number One is located at 3033 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201, right off the Clarendon Metro on the Orange and Silver Line.

September 30
Arlington VA

Nova Libertarian Party fundraising letter stuffing

Libertarians, let’s get together and assemble the fundraising letters that will be going out to Libertarians throughout Northern Virginia. Come on out for specials on draft beer, and help LPNOVA spread the word. 


    • September 30
      Libertarian Alliance
      We meet on the third Tuesday of the month 
      at 7pm at the Shephall Community Centre,
       Shephall Green, off Hydean Way, 
      off Valley Way, Stevenage, SG2 9XR.
      On Tuesday, 30 September, David McDonagh will talk on  “The life of Gladstone; featuring the part he played in rise and the fall of classical or pristine liberalism”.
    • Stevenage, United Kingdom

Dear Voter – Help!

12 Sep
Dear Voter:
We have a real opportunity to reach new voters in the D.C. area this year and raise issues Muriel Bowser and David Catania are not discussing, like the need for expanded school choice, more freedom to work and for ending regulations that make it difficult to expand the supply of housing in DC. Libertarians have been receiving a lot of attention recently and we can build on it. In 2012 we won permanent ballot status in Washington, D.C., when my Congressional campaign received 6% of the vote and 16,700 DC residents voted Libertarian! Then in 2013 Robert Sarvis ran a fantastic campaign for Governor in neighboring Virginia (I was honored to do volunteer work non-stop for that campaign for its last two weeks), shocking many by winning 7% of the vote.
We have 9 (nine!) candidates running – the only party other than the Democrats with a full slate! Two of us have already participated in debates and we are pressing to get more included. Washington, D.C. is a major media market, and we want journalists and opinion makers who live here to see Libertarians running for office in their neighborhoods so they will then be more likely to cover them nationally when they are at work. We’ve already received coverage in the Northwest Current, Washington Post blogs, the Washington City Paper, the Washington Blade, MetroWeekly, the Daily Caller, RedState,, Roll Call and WAMU (NPR affiliate) website. In September and October I will have interviews about my campaign published in the both the Washingtonian and Washington Blade.
And I am appearing in more debates: before the National Capital Area ACLU, the DC Youth Alliance, the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop. The two largest debates use a financial rule and will only invite candidates who have raised a certain amount of money. So I need your help!

I’d like to be able to blanket D.C. with “Majors for Mayor/Vote Libertarian” streets signs and go door to door to every home with our candidates’ brochures on our support for radically expanded school choice. We are also planning on producing a Pranav Badhwar for Ward 6 street sign and others as funds allow.

So we need your help! I thank you for your past contributions to Liberty and ask that you make another one to our campaign. (I’m enclosing a return mail envelope for you to do so. Make checks, from $10 and $25 up to the $2000 legal maximum, to “Bruce Majors, Libertarian for Mayor. Our financial reports are on file and on line at the D.C. Office of Campaign Finance.)

D.C. is unusual – by city charter, two of our city council At Large seats are set aside for a candidate NOT in the majority party. In the past this has sometimes been won by Republicans (who are only 6% of DC registered voters) or Greens, and sometimes by faux “Independents” who had lost a Democratic primary and ran as “independents” complete with yard signs that read “Independent Democrat.” Our candidate, Frederick Steiner, is getting great coverage, and this is a seat the D.C. Libertarian Party plans to take in an election soon. So we need to keep growing our party (which is currently the fastest growing party in DC) and maintain permanent ballot status so we can take that seat!

D.C. also has a problem in its ruling party, the Democrats, with political corruption. For the past several years elected Democrats have been routinely indicted and convicted, and our incumbent Mayor, who lost his primary, is under FBI investigation. Indeed back in 2012 some local wags created a website that counts how many DAYS it has been that a D.C. politician was indicted: w Of the two other mayoral candidates who are incumbent city council members, the Democrat, Muriel Bowser, has already been connected by the Washington Post to several corruption scandals via her major donors and supporters.

Washington, D.C. also has some interesting libertarian developments and some interesting libertarian prospects. Voters here as elsewhere seem to be changing their minds about the rationality of the War on Drugs. They are also abandoning traditional government monopoly schools for charter schools and other forms of school choice – about 45% of D.C. students are now in charter schools, with thousands more leaving the government school monopoly annually. Only Libertarians are likely to point out that we don’t need to maintain empty schools, and we need to be emptying out jails. These properties, along with sports stadiums, convention centers, and other D.C. properties could be taken off the books and auctioned off to the voluntary sector, with the savings returned to the taxpayer to stimulate job growth in the private sector. We hope to do some white papers analyzing D.C. specific policies with the extra lead time we have since we don’t have to spend time petitioning to get on the ballot. Both of the incumbent city council members running for mayor, independent David Catania and Democrat Muriel Bowser, have virtually no ideas and simply support minor tinkering with our current policies. Instead, DC needs a radical expansion of and protection of choice – from school choice, to defending Uber and other innovators and job creators, to getting rid of licensure and other regulations that keep people from getting jobs. That’s what we are offering, aiming to shift the Overton window in DC politics.

We’d also like to do outreach to the 18% of voters in D.C. who, somewhat amazingly, take the time to register to vote, but register No Party, rejecting both the Democrats and Republicans. This is one fifth of all registered voters, who reject the two establishment parties, even though it means they are then locked out of primary voting (D.C. has closed primaries). We’d like to canvass door to door and do mailings to these voters, prospecting for the Libertarians among them. (We’ve done around 5,000 homes so far this year, but are now flat out of supplies.) The D.C. government really only got around to printing the new voter registration forms with a “Libertarian” option last March, since then 20-30 have registered Libertarian every month (and 50 in April! — either because of the primary or because of tax day). Our minimal goal is to maintain permanent ballot status (so we never have to have another time and money consuming ballot drive), by getting enough votes in November. But getting more publicity, proposing libertarian solutions to local problems, and registering more Libertarians are goals as well.

But all these plans and projects for making a Libertarian splash in what is a major American media market take money, and volunteers. We need you! (And even if you gave before April during our primary period you can give again now in the general election period!)
We have more people than ever willing to volunteer, more candidates, and more time — since we are on the ballot a year before the election, not condemned to collect thousands of signatures for each candidate in July-August, only finding out if we’ve made it onto the ballot two or three months before the election.
We’re now being included in media coverage and candidate forums much earlier and more often than ever before. Our Libertarian for Ward 6 (Capitol Hill) City Council candidate, Pranav Badhwar (a 2nd generation libertarian whose mom is a philosopher who knew Ayn Rand), has been in two debates with 2 Democratic opponents who hadn’t even made it through their primary yet. And Bruce Majors (me!) our Libertarian mayoral candidate, was in a debate with all the Democratic Party candidates before the ACLU – National Capital Area Chapter and another before the D.C. Statehood Committee and has been invited to more.
So please help! $25 helps us go door to door to 250 homes with door knockers or brochures. $50 helps us put up 30 street signs. Early money is like liberty! If you are like me, and want to scale back government, change the conversation, and see a major media market, maybe the most important major political media market saturated with signs and mailings, will you please consider a generous donation today?

Your in Liberty,
Bruce Majors,
Libertarian candidate for Mayor
Bruce Majors, Libertarian for Mayor, 1200 23rd Street NW, Washington DC 20037

Libertarians included in neighborhood and smaller debates, but censored from two largest

10 Sep

One local area libertarian pointed out to me 6th and I synagogue is having this forum and did not invite me.  

I am being invited to all the smaller forums (Capitol Hill Arts Center, DC Statehood group, National Capital Area ACLU, DC Youth Alliance) but not this one and the only big one, the WAMU/NPR forum.  I am asking you to help me by writing a letter to Debra Linick at and ask that I be included.  I have contacted her and so has the fellow who first pointed this out to me.

I will also work on finding a contact for the WAMU on air debate, moderated by Kojo Namdi.

Thank you.

Whether I am included or not I and any other libertarians who can will be at the event to flyer the audience.

Libertarian mayoral candidate Bruce Majors at Capitol Hill Arts Workshop forum.
(Independent candidate Carol Schwartz and Green Party candidate faith seated.)

———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Subject: You missed a candidate in your mayoral forum invites
To: Bruce Majors <>

Hi Bruce,
The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington is the organization coordinating the candidate forum. Sixth & I is hosting the event, but we are not determining who is actually participating. I would reach out to Debra Linick ( to inquire about being included.

Hannah O—–, Communications Manager
Sixth & I – 600 I Street, NW – Washington, DC 20001
Direct: 202.266.4864 | Fax: 202.408.5124 | Web: 
Follow us on Twitter @sixthandi
Join our community


To send a protest letter to the NPR/WAMU debate email Kojo Namdi at

Mayoral candidates multiply – Libertarian Bruce Majors "At least I am no longer the oldest candidate"

10 Jun
Carol Schwartz to run for DC mayor as independent |

Rumors began circulating at the end of May that the DC Republican Party had vetted a mayoral candidate, a well known small l libertarian who is a Justice Department attorney and GOP State Central Committee member who is a friend of Libertarian Party mayoral candidate Bruce Majors.  For some reason he has decided not to announce his candidacy until the end of June.

But before he could do so, the field became more crowded, with former Republican city council member Carol Schwartz announcing on June 9 that she will run as an independent.  (Ms. Schwartz is also a friend/acquaintance of Mr. Majors, who has supported her in previous races and attended her annual Christmas/Holiday party.). That means the mayoral race now has a Libertarian (Bruce Majors), a Green (“Faith”), a Democrat (Muriel Bowser), an unannounced Republican (supposedly Kris Hammond), an independent who was a Republican (David Catania), and another independent who was a Republican (Carol Schwartz).

Ms. Schwartz is identifying herself as a libertarian-lite without using that term, a “socially liberal fiscal hawk” as one reporter described her this week, though some have questioned her bona fides when in office as a fiscal hawk. Update: on June 11 on WMAL’s Mornings on the Mall show she came out for gun control and using more DC taxpayer money to absorb and house homeless people from the DelMarVa region, much like Catania and Bowser. She left DC politics in part because small l libertarianish Republican Patrick Mara fractured her support among independents and the gay community, when he came out for gay marriage in an earlier city council race where Ms. Schwartz did not support gay marriage but instead only supported civil unions.  Ms. Schwartz may well have more personality than Bowser or Catania, as well as deeper DC political roots, though many new voters who have moved to the city since 2008, when she was last in office, may be unaware of her.

Mr. Majors, 55, who is also recruiting some of the other Libertarian candidates and assisting with or managing their campaigns, quipped “At least I am no longer the oldest candidate.”  Libertarians are seeking to build a new party in DC, so voters will not be dependent on the incumbents of one or two parties who had for decades turned a blind eye to the corruption of their colleagues, or to newly independent politicians from the incumbent parties.

DC Libertarian candidate statements

3 Jan
The Board of Elections ask for candidate statements by January 2nd, that can be  placed in the candidate guides for voters in the April primary.  Here are the Libertarian candidate statements.

Ryan Sabot.  Ward 3 City council

Ward 3 is ready for a departure from the same old political scene that it has been dealing with for seven years. Ward 3 is ready for someone who can accurately represent the Ward’s unique needs in the DC Council, and Ward 3 is undoubtedly ready to make this change in November. Your vote will ensure DC stays open for business, drastically cuts taxes, continues to ensure school choice, guarantees all their personal liberty, and gives residents more transportation options. I am positive that we can obtain these things in government and that, together, we can start in November. 


Sara Jane Panfil.  Delegate to Congress.

I left New York City for Washington, D.C. almost four years ago in search of lower rents, greater economic freedom, and greater personal freedom.  Although D.C. is certainly a freer place in many respects (the District does not presume to dictate what size beverage one can enjoy, for example), its citizens still live in the midst of a drug war, in a place that is hostile to Wal-Mart and other forms of economic development, where union contracts are protected over citizens’ personal property and dignity.  I hope to have the opportunity to fight for the District’s citizens as Congressional Delegate.

I left New York City for Washington, D.C. almost four years ago in search of lower rents, greater economic freedom, and greater personal freedom.  Although D.C. is certainly a freer place in many respects (the District does not presume to dictate what size beverage one can enjoy, for example), its citizens still live in the midst of a drug war, in a place that is hostile to Wal-Mart and other forms of economic development, where union contracts are protected over citizens’ personal property and dignity.  I hope to have the opportunity to fight for the District’s citizens as Congressional Delegate.


John Daniel. Shadow Senator.

My focus will be to get DC its voting rights, by disrupting the status quo. I will promote the Libertarian message of protecting American social liberties, less foreign involvement, less centralized government, that is fiscally responsible by not wasting taxpayer hard earned dollars! The most important issue is innovating the disastrous tax code, by giving municipalities the freedom to collect more of their own taxes, than the Federal Government. This will empower Americans to be more in control of their communities, and in turn will create a competitive, accountable, and eventually a thriving environment

Martin Moulton. Shadow Representative

DC must stop condemning families and communities by forcing students attend failing schools. Government must empower ALL parents to send children to the best schools.

The District’s drug war puts unsustainable burdens on MPD, judicial, and incarceration facilities with funds better used on other public services, preventative education and treatment. DC must stop incarcerating #BlackMenAndBoys and other minorities for non-violent drug offenses at rates grossly out of line with the demographic reality of drug usage in DC and elsewhere. Current policies destroy individuals, families, and communities and enrich the gun industry in the drugwar firearms race as criminals seek to out gun police. Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and crack might degrade the human immune system making it susceptible to cancer and other disease. But the urgent need to end continued violence, motivated by cash-only markets and turf battles, grossly outweighs government’s role in regulating choices through destructive prohibition.

As a DC41 member is was arrested in protest of Federal tyranny that denies our civil rights and the full benefits of US citizenship.

Pranav Badhwar. Ward 6 City Council

My wife and I are devoted to this city where our children were born and attend school. I create and launch wireless products for a living, and understand the hard work needed to effectively deliver services to the public. I want to see DC flourish, and envision a city that protects rights over your body, property, and associations. A city which generates opportunities for the neediest, where men and women can thrive as small business owners, where people have affordable housing and transportation, and where our youth attend effective schools and are no longer jailed for non-violent drug offences.

Frederick Steiner, City Council At Large

I’ve lived in the DC area for 10 years, after the birth of my daughter I learned I could no longer remain aloof from the community I lived in. I learned that everyone has a shared interest in things like good schools and safe streets, that vibrant neighborhoods create opportunities for all, that transparency and openness is a requirement for good governance. I needed to do my part in the attainment of those ideals. I have no grand political aspirations, and self funded my campaign so I don’t owe anyone anything. I’m just a person trying to do the right thing. 

Bruce Majors, Mayor

I have lived in DC since 1980.  I have watched it become morbidly obese, with a swollen $9 billion dollar budget, that just like real obesity leads to many diseases: corruption and cronyism, high rents and no affordable housing, as the politically connected line up for your tax dollars.  The DC political class needs to be put on a diet, and opportunities need to be legalized for those who are not federal lawyers or lobbyists with 6 figure incomes taken from the taxpayer.  Your vote for Libertarians starts these needed changes.

DC Libertarian candidate statements

3 Jan
The Board of Elections ask for candidate statements by January 2nd, that can be  placed in the candidate guides for voters in the April primary.  Here are the Libertarian candidate statements.

Ryan Sabot.  Ward 3 City council

Ward 3 is ready for a departure from the same old political scene that it has been dealing with for seven years. Ward 3 is ready for someone who can accurately represent the Ward’s unique needs in the DC Council, and Ward 3 is undoubtedly ready to make this change in November. Your vote will ensure DC stays open for business, drastically cuts taxes, continues to ensure school choice, guarantees all their personal liberty, and gives residents more transportation options. I am positive that we can obtain these things in government and that, together, we can start in November. 


Sara Jane Panfil.  Delegate to Congress.

I left New York City for Washington, D.C. almost four years ago in search of lower rents, greater economic freedom, and greater personal freedom.  Although D.C. is certainly a freer place in many respects (the District does not presume to dictate what size beverage one can enjoy, for example), its citizens still live in the midst of a drug war, in a place that is hostile to Wal-Mart and other forms of economic development, where union contracts are protected over citizens’ personal property and dignity.  I hope to have the opportunity to fight for the District’s citizens as Congressional Delegate.

I left New York City for Washington, D.C. almost four years ago in search of lower rents, greater economic freedom, and greater personal freedom.  Although D.C. is certainly a freer place in many respects (the District does not presume to dictate what size beverage one can enjoy, for example), its citizens still live in the midst of a drug war, in a place that is hostile to Wal-Mart and other forms of economic development, where union contracts are protected over citizens’ personal property and dignity.  I hope to have the opportunity to fight for the District’s citizens as Congressional Delegate.


John Daniel. Shadow Senator.

My focus will be to get DC its voting rights, by disrupting the status quo. I will promote the Libertarian message of protecting American social liberties, less foreign involvement, less centralized government, that is fiscally responsible by not wasting taxpayer hard earned dollars! The most important issue is innovating the disastrous tax code, by giving municipalities the freedom to collect more of their own taxes, than the Federal Government. This will empower Americans to be more in control of their communities, and in turn will create a competitive, accountable, and eventually a thriving environment


Martin Moulton. Shadow Representative

DC must stop condemning families and communities by forcing students attend failing schools. Government must empower ALL parents to send children to the best schools.

The District’s drug war puts unsustainable burdens on MPD, judicial, and incarceration facilities with funds better used on other public services, preventative education and treatment. DC must stop incarcerating #BlackMenAndBoys and other minorities for non-violent drug offenses at rates grossly out of line with the demographic reality of drug usage in DC and elsewhere. Current policies destroy individuals, families, and communities and enrich the gun industry in the drugwar firearms race as criminals seek to out gun police. Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and crack might degrade the human immune system making it susceptible to cancer and other disease. But the urgent need to end continued violence, motivated by cash-only markets and turf battles, grossly outweighs government’s role in regulating choices through destructive prohibition.

As a DC41 member is was arrested in protest of Federal tyranny that denies our civil rights and the full benefits of US citizenship.

Pranav Badhwar. Ward 6 City Council

My wife and I are devoted to this city where our children were born and attend school. I create and launch wireless products for a living, and understand the hard work needed to effectively deliver services to the public. I want to see DC flourish, and envision a city that protects rights over your body, property, and associations. A city which generates opportunities for the neediest, where men and women can thrive as small business owners, where people have affordable housing and transportation, and where our youth attend effective schools and are no longer jailed for non-violent drug offences.

Frederick Steiner, City Council At Large

I’ve lived in the DC area for 10 years, after the birth of my daughter I learned I could no longer remain aloof from the community I lived in. I learned that everyone has a shared interest in things like good schools and safe streets, that vibrant neighborhoods create opportunities for all, that transparency and openness is a requirement for good governance. I needed to do my part in the attainment of those ideals. I have no grand political aspirations, and self funded my campaign so I don’t owe anyone anything. I’m just a person trying to do the right thing. 

Bruce Majors, Mayor

I have lived in DC since 1980.  I have watched it become morbidly obese, with a swollen $9 billion dollar budget, that just like real obesity leads to many diseases: corruption and cronyism, high rents and no affordable housing, as the politically connected line up for your tax dollars.  The DC political class needs to be put on a diet, and opportunities need to be legalized for those who are not federal lawyers or lobbyists with 6 figure incomes taken from the taxpayer.  Your vote for Libertarians starts these needed changes.

Ann Coulter

6 Oct

I love Ann Coulter but I ruined her night last night. I went to her book signing at Americans for Tax Reform, the Grover Norquist group at 4, which had an open bar and shrimp and WMAL’s Chris Plante. I was carrying a bag of Majors for Congess window signs and buttons, as well as Gary Johnson buttons and flyers, as some ATR interns had asked me for a yard sign and I was going to a Gary Johnson happy hour afterwards. I saw a red head from Adams Morgan I have met before who is a big Ron Paul donor, and she saw my Gary Johnson button on my man purse and asked me for one, which she immediately fixed to her bosom. Ms. Coulter came in and grabbed my Majors for Congress button on my chest and read it and was puzzled and I explained I was running locally. Then she grabbed my friends Gary Johnson button and said “Oh, no, no, no, no, no! After that fabulous performance Wednesday you must be for Romney!” Later as I was in the huge line to get my copy of “Mugged” signed, and convey a hello from my neighbor who is an old friend of Ann’s, I heard someone ask if she had had a good day, and she said it had been great but now she had a headache because even here someone had a Gary Johnson button.

Poll: Should Just 5 People Be Allowed to Protest a Liquor License?

19 Jun

Two polls have been created calling for an end to Advisory Neighborhood Commissions’ power to shut down businesses and drive jobs out of DC.

One was created by Bruce Majors, running for Congress this November against Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton and can be found here:
The other is on the very good  local downtown news and commentary website Borderstan.  Here’s the first paragraph and a link (the Borderstan peeps prefer that you read it there):
From Rachel Nania. Check out her blog, Sear, Simmer & Stir. Follow Nania on Twitter @rnania, email her at rachel[AT]
News of licensing agreements about local businesses and the city’s Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Board has been rocking area websites and newsfeeds for more than a week. Hank’s Oyster Bar, a local restaurant just off the 17th Street corridor, was forced to shut down half of its outdoor patio on June 8 due to a pending review of an ABC Board decision approving termination of the Voluntary Agreement (V.A.) with six area residents; two of the original six protestants filed the appeal. The hearing was held last Wednesday, but nothing has resulted (as of yet) from the battle between a handful of local residents and the local business.
Reader Poll: What’s your opinion? Should a minimum of five residents or property owners be allowed to file a protest against liquor license application that then goes before the city’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Board — or should that number be increased? Take our reader poll. We will share the results later this week.

How many residents should DC law require to protest a liquor license application? (Luis Gomez Photos)