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Hot Politically Incorrect Scientist of the Week: Dr. Sebastian Luning

13 Feb

He’s causing global warming.

Dr hab. Sebastian Luning,

born 1970, received his Ph.D. in geology / paleontology and has been working 20 years with the reconstruction of natural environmental changes in the geological past. Afterresearch at the University of Wales, London, Manchester and Bremen, he took 2005/2006 visiting professor at the University of Vienna. For his study and research achievements, he received several awards . Since 2007 he has worked as Africa expert at an oil and gas company. Sebastian Luning has authored several geoscientific documentaries, includingnatural wonders of the Maghreb – Morocco’s expedition through the earth and La Palma – The slumbering fire dragon . The 2:29 – marathon runner is also regularly worked for several international journals as geoscience expert. For more than 20 years, is a member of the Luning American Geophysical Union (AGU), the issue some of the most important journals in the field of climate science.

More WUWT.TV: Interview and presentation with Dr. Sebastian Lüning

From our WUWT.TV 24 hour broadcast answer to Al Gore’s dirty weather on November 14-15, 2012. Dr. Sebastian Lüning of Dr. Franz Vahrenholt are co-authors of the book “Die Kalt Sonne” which we previously reviewed here and here on WUWT. Here, in this interview and presentation, Lüning, who is a geologist by trade, explains how he was converted to climate skepticism by his own research.
It is a powerful demonstration of how people can come to understand just how flimsy the evidence is for catastrophic global warming, and is well worth your time to watch.