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Check your privilege, white boy?

21 Jun
A politically incorrect gay friend (of color), Aaron Matthew Amwine, asks the following on FaceBook:

Just asking: This is what I don’t get…we have trannies who say they don’t want to be the way they were born and that’s celebrated…we aren’t bound by our genetics. But on the other hand, any gay man that decides he does not want to be gay and be bound by his genetics, that’s horrible self hate. Why aren’t people who want to change genders also labeled as people with self hatred?

Of course boys who want to be girls and girls who want to be boys are simply fighting through the oppressive socialization of patriarchal heteronormativity while gays who don’t want to be gays are oppressed by the false consciousness of repressive conservative Christianity.  Catechism and ritual are very comforting, unlike thinking or questioning or uncertainty.

Last night I was at a libertarian birthday party where there were many “progressive” friends of the libertarian and his truly lovely liberal spouse.  One insisted that DC was being wrecked by gentrification and wanted there to be some plan or control to prevent people from moving to and changing neighborhoods, at least “too” rapidly.  (Leaving aside that DC is being gentrified because the federal government imports a thousand lawyers, lobbyists and bureaucrats – at 6 figure salaries – monthly to DC, and severely regulates and restricts increasing the supply of housing, forbidding the erection of apartment buildings over 10 stories.)

I asked the obvious questions about whether Jews should be free to move to the Middle East, or Central Americans to the United States.  That was different of course, because they don’t have “privilege.”  If you have money or education etc. then your choices and freedom of movement should be regulated.  If you don’t have them you should be free to move.  That’s apparently equal opportunity.