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You too can be more Objective!

30 Jul
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Applications for the 2013-2014 academic year for the Objectivist Academic Center (OAC) are being accepted. 
The OAC is a distance-learning program designed to provide expert guidance in the study of Ayn Rand’s philosophy to those who are serious about advocating reason, pro-individual rights, and pro-capitalism views.
The OAC was designed with the conviction that Ayn Rand’s ideas would have a major positive impact on today’s culture if more people were to understand them deeply and work to spread them. If you are inspired by the power of Ayn Rand’s philosophy and interested in exploring the possibility of a career in academia or public policy, then consider applying to the OAC today.
The application deadline is September 9, 2013.
This is a highly competitive program and early application submission is encouraged. As an additional bonus, completed applications will receive a $10 credit to the Ayn Rand e-Store. For details on how to apply, please visit the OAC website or contact the OAC administrator with any questions.

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