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Fact checking ReasonTV on "Why You Can’t Ship Your Favorite Wine Across State Lines"

16 Nov
Maybe I misunderstand this piece, but it seems to me to say that sales of wine across state lines to be shipped to consumers is controlled.

I’m sure this is substantially true, but in Washington, D.C., which is not a state, there is a least one internet based service, First Vine, that will ship wine to most states (some don’t allow them to do so, but fewer than this guy mentions).  Of course, I guess First Vine is itself a distributor or a middle man.

First Vine is having a tasting next week, but sadly it is on the same night several libertarian events transpire, including reason editor Damon Root speaking on his book Over-Ruled at the Mayflower Hotel (B.Y.O.E):

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, November 18


3401 K St. NW

7 pm

Malmaison is inagurating its monthly Tasting Tuesdays with a First Vine tasting.  We’ll be serving blends from Southern France, and discussing grape blending and why French wines are named for where they’re made.  The tasting is $20 and you canregister here.  We’ll also have bottles for sale at the tasting.

Wednesday, November 26

6:00 – 8:00 pm

Each Peach Market

3068 Mt. Pleasant St. NW

We know you’ll be running around the day before Thanksgiving trying to get last-minute things done, but stop by Each Peach and try a little wine.  You know you’ll need some for the holiday, and it never hurts to have a little and relax!  We’ll be pouring wines that will go beautifully with almost anything you serve on the big day.

Saturday, January 24
10:00 am – 6:00 pm Festival
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
The expo is a showcase for gay and lesbian-owned businesses in the greater DC area.  Everything financial services to fitness and health to home decor and custom clothing to food and wine.  We’ll be pouring First Vinewines and will have a permit to sell bottles, too –so you can buy what you try.  See the Capital Area Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce website for details.  The expo is free to attend, but you need to register ahead of time.