Townhall on Police and Race

22 Sep

Racial Disparities in Arrests in Washington, DC

Foundry’s Peace with Justice team is hosting a town-hall style meeting to discuss the Washington Lawyer’s Committee’s 2013 report on disparities in Washington, DC arrests.

Thursday, September 26th

6:15-8:30 PM

Foundry United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall, 1500 – 16th Street, NW (16th and P St, NW)

For instance: Despite roughly equal self-reported usage (15.5% black, 14.7% white),

91% off all drug arrests were of black people compared to 9% among other groups.

Join us to discuss the numbers and share experiences as we continue to organize for a strong response.

This Ward 2 town-hall is one of a series of meetings, in all wards of the City.

Sponsored by: Foundry UMC Peace With Justice Ministry Team, and the Washington Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs

For more information, contact Ann Wilcox ( or Ben Roberts, Interim Dir. of Social Justice Ministries, Foundry UMC (


Ben Roberts

Interim Director of Social Justice Ministries

Foundry United Methodist Church

Office Ph. 202.332.4011 Ext. 224

Love God. Love each other. Change the world.


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