Empire Salon with Bruce Fein

24 Jan

Tuesday, January 24, 2012,
6:30 PM

1785 Massachusetts Avenue NW, 2nd floor,
Washington,DC (edit map)
cocktails, hors d’oeuvres
Bruce Fein, Constitutional Law Scholar, speaks
on 2012 State of the Union
rsvp to James@committeefortherepublic.org


  • “American Empire: Before the Fall” Published by
  • Campaign for Liberty, June 2010. ISBN 1452829535
American Empire: Before the Fall, the most recent of Fein’s
published works, condemns the aggressive foreign policy of
the United States for being devoid of concrete objectives, and
as such, doomed to war in perpetuity. According to Fein,
foreign policy as it stands is earmarked by domination for the
sake of domination and gaping wounds to the rule of law and
separation of powers. Fein writes: “The larger national motivation
 is to dominate the world for the excitement of domination.
The narrower particular motivation of the President is to
reduce coequal branches of government to vassalage, to
place the President above the law, and to justify secret
government without accountability. James Madison’s
admonitions about presidential wars have been vindicated.”[25]
Campaign for Liberty commissioned and published American
Empire: Before the Fall. This was their first foray into the
 realm of publishing. Fein’s message therein has been
 well-received by politicians and pundits from across the
 political spectrum. Ron Paul (via Campaign for Liberty),
 Ralph Nader,[26] Glenn Greenwald,[27] Judge
Andrew Napolitano,[28] US Representative
Walter B. Jones, Jr., and many other prominent political
figures have publicly declared their concurrence with
 Fein’s analysis. Glenn Greenwald wrote: “The central
problem Fein examines — the nation’s conduct as a
world-dominating imperial power rather than a republic —
 infects and exacerbates virtually every serious political
 and cultural problem. It drains our financial resources and
 threatens the country with debt-fueled collapse. It precludes
 spending on the welfare of American citizens for education,
 infrastructure and entitlements for the needy. It is what
justifies the endless erosion of civil liberties and the
acquiescence of limitless, unchecked power to the Executive
 Branch. It is what causes the nation to be plagued by a
 bloated, borderline-omnipotent National Security and
Surveillance State. It even ironically weakens us militarily
and renders us far more vulnerable to attack via overstretch
 and commitments beyond our means. And most of all, it
degrades the American character by reducing us to a
 militaristic, war-fighting state, wallowing in our own fears,
 insecurities, hatreds and weaknesses.”[27]
  • “Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle
  •  for Our Constitution and Democracy” Published 
  • by Palgrave MacMillan, September 16, 2008.
  •  ISBN 0230602886
Constitutional Peril was the first book authored by Fein
intended for the general public. It was published while
President Bush remained in office in 2008, and it made
 an impassioned argument in favor of impeachment for
 the President’s unparalleled expansion of executive
 authority and multiple defilements of the rule of law.
 Fein’s argument was presented on national television
 programs including Bill Moyers‘ Journal.[29]
Ron Paul is among the most notable consistent
proponents of Fein’s political commentary. He is
quoted on the cover of Constitutional Peril saying:
 “Bruce Fein is one of the most important legal minds
 of our time. Constitutional Peril is a must-read for
 American lovers of liberty.”[30]

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