Greedy DC government continues to take a bite out of residents

18 Jun

The Washington, D.C. City Council preliminarily approved a bill, which would target the owners of vehicles instead of the drivers for payment of automated enforcement camera tickets in the District.

The motoring public accepted automated enforcement laws largely because the offense could not be reported as points against a driver’s license, or reported to the vehicle owner’s insurance company which would likely trigger an increase in insurance premiums. Perhaps most importantly, the law also provided a means for the owner, if not driving the vehicle, to escape fines by identifying the actual driver of the car at the time of the violation. This new law would end this defense for the owners who were not driving their vehicles at the time of the violation by making them solely liable for payment. Thus, the Council is taking away a fundamental tenet of automated enforcement traffic law and a fundamental defense of innocent vehicle owners.

Please join AAA Mid-Atlantic in calling for the D.C. Council to reconsider this bill before it is wholly passed into law. Click here to contact your Council Member, The Committee on Environment, Public Works and Transportation and Mayor Gray. 

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