Bethesda Libertarian BBQ today

28 Jul

  • Join the Maryland Libertarian Party’s first “Inside the Beltway” barbecue! If you are curious about getting involved with the Libertarian Party, are looking to meet other Libertarians, Ron Paul R3VOLutionaries, and activists, or are just curious, join us!

    Location: 4626 River Rd (Near the Corner of River Rd and Western Ave)
    Cost: $10, $8 if you buy your tickets beforehand at
    Date: July 28, 2p.m.– 4 p.m.

    Q: Will the hot dogs be made with grass fed beef?
    A: Yes

    Q: Will there be vegetarian/vegan options?
    A: Yes

    Q: Will there be music?
    A: Yes

    Q: Is it metro accessible?
    A: Yes, 4 blocks from Friendship Heights metro

    Q: Are Non-Libertarians Welcome?
    A: Yes

    Q: Is there Parking?
    A: Parking on Western Avenue is super easy. There are also plenty of side streets right next to the location as well.

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