Rand Paul on constitutional foreign policy

4 Feb
Young Americans for Liberty would like to invite you to a 

special foreign policy event with Senator Rand Paul at the 
Heritage Foundation:

Restoring the Founders’ Vision of Foreign Policy

Here are the details for this important event:

WHEN: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 11:00 a.m.
WHERE: The Heritage Foundation’s Allison Auditorium (map).
WHO: You! Let’s pack the house with supporters of liberty.
RSVP: Attendance is free, but reserve your seat here.
Foreign policy has the potential to bring Republicans and Democrats 
together, but often times for the wrong reasons. A major problem with
 the foreign policy consensus that has emerged post 9-11 is exactly that 
— a consensus.

The foreign policies of both Republican and Democratic
 administrations have been far more similar than not, while our 
decades-long military engagements have come at a staggering cost 
with questionable results. 

Even so, few leaders from either party have been willing to question or 
challenge our current foreign policy status quo.
At this lecture, Senator Rand Paul will discuss his vision of a foreign 
policy that respects the plain language of our Constitution, the legal 
powers of Congress and the important role of a strong presidency. He 
will map out a foreign policy of clear and defined missions without 
prolonged military engagement

The United States has long needed to reexamine its foreign policy,
 balancing current and future fiscal realities with the constitutional 
duty to protect the nation.

Please join Senator Rand Paul as he outlines how a 
constitutionally conservative foreign policy would better serve 
and protect the United States.

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