Insomniac TV – Ann Coulter on "RedEye"

3 Mar
Ann Coulter may or may not call Tucker Carlson or Andy Levy pussies on RedEye tonight on Fox News at 11 pm EST.

In other insomniac fare, on SyFy a pre-Hung Thomas Jane battles an Inquisition lead by Marcia Gay Harden in a grocery store, when a government science experiment gone wrong allows arachnoid and insectoid monsters from a Chthulian dimension to enter the Pacific Northwest in The Mist (2007) and half the members of a small town seek shelter in a supermarket (12:30 EST).  Genre fans will notice Sam Witwer, of the North American version of Being Human, as one of Harden’s sacrificial victims, and Laurie Holden of The Walking Dead (in which Witwer also appeared in a single episode).  The Chthulian beasties may remind many libertarians of rent seekers, zombie firms, crony corporatists, and other Obama regime fauna who will not curb their appetites and will eat every last tax serf until civilization ends. (Rebroadcast after midnight.)

At 9:00 pm on SyFy Jodie Foster plays an astronomer who makes first Contact, despite NASA and the federal government attempting to screw it up (saved only by a Howard Hughes/Richard Branson/Space X privately funded project).  The Jodster manages to make out with Matthew McConaughey, but does not have to reveal her private love life to the superior alien civilization.

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