23 libertarian columnists launch Libertarian Party News outlet

16 Mar
23 libertarian columnists launch Libertarian Party News outlet | PRLog

Mark Wachtler, Editor Libertarian Party News
Mark Wachtler, Editor Libertarian Party News

        A coalition of libertarian news reporters announced the launch of America’s newest independent political news outlet – Libertarian Party News. Twenty-three experienced and established columnists, all self-proclaimed libertarians, have come together to help level the playing field for Libertarian candidates and to promote the cause of liberty. Independent and opposition party candidates often complain of unfair news coverage or no coverage at all. Libertarian Party News intends to change that.

        “Most independent and third party candidates are portrayed in the corporate media as aliens with five arms and three heads, if they’re covered at all,” explained Libertarian Party News founder and editor Mark Wachtler, “But then look at where the news is coming from – for-profit, multi-national corporations whose only priority is raking in ever-higher profits.”

        Speaking like a proud libertarian, Mark Wachtler goes on to share his personal feelings about the country’s two establishment parties. “After three decades of war, debt, corruption and ever-increasing American poverty, why would anyone want to be either a Republican or a Democrat anymore?” he asks, giving a glimpse of things to come from the new libertarian news outlet.

        Proudly proclaimed on the site’s home page at LibertarianPartyNews.com, the news hub considers itself the premier place for Libertarian Party news, candidates, announcements and more. An independent news outlet and not part of the party itself, the site’s sole mission is to assist the Libertarian Party, its members and candidates in getting their message of liberty to the American people.

        The home page features six national columns, including announcements from the Libertarian Party National Committee, as well as the party’s news feed. One click on the ‘States’ link in the site menu takes visitors to the goldmine that is Libertarian Party News.

        Listed in order are all 50 states and the District of Columbia. A click on any state name takes voters directly to the official website of that Libertarian Party state affiliate. Next to each state are two choices – News and Candidates. These pages feature each state’s local libertarian news and all of the Libertarian Party candidates running for office locally with details and a link to their campaign websites. Each LP state affiliate’s news feed, if they have one, is also automatically displayed on each state’s news page.

         This is where visitors will discover the site’s prized 19 local libertarian news columnists. They include long-time, libertarian reporters and young, new writers with recently established columns alike. Some consider themselves independent-libertarians, while others are staunch Libertarian Party members. But all are dedicated to giving the party, its candidates, and the cause of liberty the media exposure they’ve been denied for so long.

         While the site intends to add cities and reporters, the initial hubs and the libertarian reporters covering them include; Mike Shaner – Birmingham, Matthew Reece – Charlotte, Richard Sincere – Charlottesville, Mark Wachtler – Chicago, Garry Reed – Dallas, Andrew Curtis – Fort Worth, William Green – Hartford, Donn King – Knoxville, Tessa Dick – Los Angeles, Pierre-Alexandre Crevaux – Miami, Darell Tapp – Phoenix, Brian Irving – Raleigh, David Lloyd Sutton – Sacramento, Joel Palmer – San Antonio, Robert Taylor – San Francisco, Shane Wittig – San Jose, Paul Johnson – Scottsdale, Brian Cole – Tampa Bay, and Karl Dickey – West Palm Beach. The site’s 4 national columnists are Davi Barker, Howard Portnoy, Garry Reed, and Matthew Reece. The Editor and founder of the site is Mark Wachtler, an independent news publisher who previously launched the outlet Whiteout Press and who currently writes two political news columns for Examiner.com.

         Speaking for the 23 columnists, writer Garry Reed commented, “Libertarian Party News will be a unique one-stop-shopping-center for libertarians.” Reed is one of the group’s two libertarian columnists pulling double-duty. Not only does he cover the local news from Dallas, he’s also one of the site’s four national correspondents. The other is Matthew Reece who authors a national column as well as covering local news in Charlotte.

         Individuals wishing to subscribe can submit their email address at LibertarianPartyNews.com. Subscribers receive just one convenient weekly email. It’s FREE and readers can unsubscribe at any time. Libertarian Party News is not funded or financially backed by anyone or anything. It is a grassroots, independent media outlet supported only by its columnists, volunteers and the kindness and generosity of its readers. Vote Libertarian…for a Change!

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