Top conspiracy theories on the web this week

11 Aug
Because given media complicity in Obama scandals and cover ups, they are probably all true

1)  Dean Worstcasescenario Forward on FaceBook

Let’s see what you want to add to my summation of Benghazi. Obama, wanted a spectacular event to occur to boost his election results. So he worked out an agreement with the Libyans to seize the Embassy Staff in Benghazi & then release them for weapons and presumably money when they handed back their hostages. Problem was , they failed to brief the Embassy Staff about that and a shootout occurred , Rebels died and they took it out on the Embassy Staff. The purpose was to give Obama an election ‘bump’ and get more weapons to the Rebels. Did I encapsulate the whole mess right ?
2). Mark Voluntaryist on FaceBook

More new info, to me, from “Dirty Wars”

“The Special Operations Command also began working on a program for monitoring suspected or know insurgents. It was straight out of a sci-fi film. Known as “Continuous Clandestine Tagging Tracking and Locating,” or CTTL, it involved using advanced biometrics and chemistry to develop a long-range facial recognition program as well as a “Human Thermal Fingerprint” that could be isolated for any individual. They also used a chemical “bioreactive tagging” to mark people by discreetly swabbing a part of their body. The tagging would emit a signal that JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) could remotely monitor enabling it to track people 24/7/365. It was like a modern version of the old spook’s tracking devices made famous in films, where spies would weave them into an enemy’s clothes or place them on the bottom of a vehicle. The tagging allowed JSOC to mark prisoners and the release them to see if they would lead the task force to a potential terror or insurgent cell. Putting the on nonprisoners was a greater challenge, but it happened. The use of such technology, along with the accelerated pace of the killings and captures, would inspire President Bush’s declaration that “JSOC is awesome.””

So the question is, how are these tactics being employed against the US civilian population, if at all?

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